
Font - CC Keni logo, Futura website headings and copy

Re-upload photos if shifting grids on design and creative pages.

Photos - enable lightbox and caption with overlay on hover

Goal: tell the story of my aesthetic. Cohesive aesthetic showing my wide range of skills. Each page should have a cohesive flow of color.


  • Add copy to design and production “click through for more details on the process behind each project”

  • DESIGN - focus on shots that show the garments best, not the acrobatics or photo mood

  • DESIGN - Add more RTW apparel shots

  • DESIGN - Add photos of mermaid costume, black and white swirl costume, white dress, champagne suits

  • DESIGN - Create process pages for each project with sketches, moodboards, and conceptualization. Brief synopsis?

  • PRODUCTION - Add show fliers and logos to front page

  • Separate PHOTO and VIDEO

  • PHOTO needs better display…show full series (both self portraits, best 3 of “no sight”, most cohesive of cyan red shoot)

  • VIDEO - add flowering vines, add porsha video?